
Arriola & Fiol

Museu de la Música Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain, 2007

The project of the Auditori- Barcelona Musical Centre was initiated in the year 1989. The editing of the program predicted one program of...

Behnisch Architekten


Stralsund, Germany, 2008

The new Oceanographic Museum OZEANEUM is located on the city’s historic waterfront immediately adjacent to the historic center which has ...

jangled nerves

Ruhr Museum

Essen, Germany, 2010

Visitors Centre Ruhr Denkmalpfad Zollverein The Ruhr Museum conveys the natural and cultural history of one of the world’s biggest in...

Peter Kulka Architecture

Deutsches Hygiene-Museum

Dresden, Germany, 2011

Das Museum wurde Ende der 1920er Jahre nach einem Entwurf von Wilhelm Kreis errichtet. Das Grundstück liegt prominent zwischen dem östlic...


Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart

Berlin, Germany, 1996

This building, Berlin’s former main-line railway station - classified as a historical monument - was converted to a museum of contemporar...

Marpillero Pollak Architects

Staten Island Children's Museum "Roofs and…

Snug Harbor, Staten Island, New York, USA, 2012


Arts International

New York, USA, 2000

Arts International [A.I.] is a gallery, performance space, conference center, and center for new media. A.I. is also a not-for-profit art...

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